
Week 6-Landscape and the Sublime

1. What and when was the Enlightenment?

The Enlightenment is the era in Western philosophy, intellectual, scientific and cultural life, centered upon the 18th century, in which reason was advocated as the primary source for legitimacy and authority. It is also known as the Age of Reason. This era came about during the late 17th Century.

2. Define the concept of the Sublime.

Some define the concept of sublime as “excellence in language,” the “expression of a great spirit,” and the power to provoke “ecstasy”. It is a technique which uses thoughts, emotions, and spiritual characterizations in art works.

3. How did the concept of the Sublime come out of the Enlightenment thought?

Enlightenment ideas on art and the creative process were deeply influenced by the contemporary veneration for reason, empiricism and the classics. The business of the artist was conceived of as the imitation of nature, and as far as high art was concerned, this process of imitation should be informed by an intelligent grasp of the processes used to produce classical art. The ancients and their art were seen as models in the judicious selection of the most beautiful elements observed in nature, creating forms of ideal or ‘beautiful’ nature that were derived from a distillation of the very best and a filtering out of physical flaws. It was during the Enlighten era that they used sublime to imitate perfection in art works as well as sculpture designs. Their works were based on the effects of light and shade that wouldn't distract the eye from the actual picture that is the main focus.

4. Discuss the subject matter, and aesthetic (look) of Misrach's work to identify the Sublime in his work. Add some more images of his work.

5. Identify some other artists or designers that work with ideas around the Sublime, from the Enlightenment era as well as contemporary artists.

William Hodges

A View of Cape Stephens in Cook's Straits New Zealand with Waterspout (1776)

6. How does Misrach's photography make you feel? Does it appeal to your imagination?

7. Add a Sublime image of your choice to your blog, which can be Art or just a Sublime photograph.
Colin McCahon

8. Reference your sources (books and websites).

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