
Lady filmer.

I found Lady Filmer's work to be unique because i found information about this work int he book i was reading in the A.U.T library. and found that her work was a Photo montage and how she had placed the photos as a frame around on of the photos witch was a man. and the photos used as frames are women and the use of the displacements of the photos was what cot my eye and the use of the painted plowers,plants and butterfly's in water colors.

Note from the University of new Mexico art museum, Albuquerque, new Mexico.

Lady Filmer my have been the first artist to collage photographs. that is to cut, arrange and past photographs on a surface so as to make a statement separate from the individual items, include in the work. the figures in the arms of the cross are related to the person in the center. Lady Filmer also added water adornments to her pictures.

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