
Barbara Kruger & Mercantillism

I shop therefore I am (1987) Barbara Kruger

Face It (Green) 2007 Barbara Kruger

1. Describe the 'style' that Kruger has used in the two presented works

Barbara Kruger's two works above are conceptual and pop art styled work's.
useing photograth collages. and adding bold wordings in simple and strong
meanings. and the use of colores are simple with black and whit and red and monochromatic colors.

2. What are some of the concepts and messages that Kruger is communicating in them? barbara kruger uses
her work is mostly of a feminism view and consumerism view of her work.
she also shows identity in her work like things that relate to the viwers and also with personal issues.

3. Do these images communicate these ideas effectively? Explain your answer. yes they do in the first image:(I SHOPE THERE FOR I AM.) and how money and has effected us with consumerism. and more of confession of a shopaholic.and how its layed out with simple red red for the tex and also for the border.

the second pic:(FACE .this Luxurious garment wont make you rich or beautiful. IT) is verey green ... its overwhelming with this monochromatic color i feel it repacents more of money and wealthy but also opening our eyes that sometimes the things we buy we also do not need. like video games and tings like clotheing that we dont feel comfortable in and and make-up... these things are just useless we should be focusing on food and the paying for the bills for the homes we live in.

4. Define the concept of Mercantillism and explain how these two examples can connect with the concept.

The main economic system used during the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. The main goal was to increase a nation's wealth by imposing government regulation concerning all of the nation's commercial interests. It was believed that national strength could be maximized by limiting imports via tariffs and maximizing exports.

5. Upload a more recent example of Kruger's work where she has used a new medium, that is not graphic design. Title your image of the chosen work and comment on your response to the work. How do you think the audience would experience this work?

Two LED screen video installation October, 2008, at the City University of New York.
by SEWK73

this is a video i found on youtube. it is one of here resent works i could find and have more of an understanding of her work. in this it try to show tow sides that we all own and care about. but we shouldn't spend our time on the material things but look at our family and friends and war and the history we all spend our time on it reflects who we are as a person the money and diamonds and fast cars are not what makes us who we are. it what we do that defins use with history of our people. and how they got by with out haveing the things we have to day.

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